Environmental Statement

BC-Graphics is committed to producing print and processing mail in an environmentally efficient manner. Our company is always investing in new technology and seeking out best practices that reduce our carbon footprint. BC-Graphics has implemented the following practices and processes:

  • Our 4-color process and PMS ink blends are low energy cured and emit 0% VOCs
  • 100% Computer-to-Plate process and recycle all aluminum plates
  • Utilize alcohol-free press solutions and a minimal volume of solvents that are captured and recycled into alternative fuel
  • All make-ready and wastepaper are captured and recycled
  • Paper recovery system in place to pneumatically convey waste trim to a bailer/compactor
  • Separate waste streams to maximize recycling opportunities
  • Follow and meet all MD DNR air emissions compliance requirements
  • Recycle all metal plates, pallets, cardboard, and wire
  • Invested in digital printing that reduces paper waste, eliminates the use of metal plates and solvents to clean rubber blankets and utilizes water-based pigment and dye inks
  • Implemented a PDF and soft-proofing workflow that reduces paper consumption and the movement of physical materials in the proofing process
  • Reduce energy consumption with a modern HVAC controls system and a motion-activated lighting system
  • Located our facility with access to public transportation, both bus and rail
  • Provide fuel efficient site vehicle for press checks and off -site training and promote carpooling when possible
  • Manage energy usage by having employees turn off office lighting when not required and an HVAC system that regulates temperature based on occupancy
  • Replaced office and plant lighting with energy efficient LED lighting